Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Class

Dear INGL 3104 Students:

Due to an unexpected appointment, I could not be in class today.  The quiz that was programmed for today will be a take-home.  

INSTRUCTIONS:  Write one or two paragraphs stating what information was interesting to you about Fredrika Bremer based on the article “Sabores Cubanos de Fredrika Bremer, la Viajera Antillana”.  Please send this work as AN ATTACHMENT in WORD to my email by Thursday, March 1, 2012.  After this date NO WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Make sure it is written correctly so proofread your work before sending it.
In the subject line identify QUIZ #2

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2011

Dear INGL 3104 students:

Visit the Reserva in the library and read the two articles about Fredrika Bremer.  They are "Sabores cubanos de Fredrika Bremer" and "In Fredrika Bremer's Foostep".  Read and take notes for a short quiz will be given.  The first part of the class on Tuesday will be dedicated to the discussion of the articles and the second part to begin writing.

Take care and have a very nice day.
REMEMBER: Post that you read this message to count as your attendance.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012 Class

Dear INGL 3104 students:
Please read the short story “The Story of an Hour” written by Kate Chopin .  After reading this story,  list the causes with the effect that you see in this work.  Come prepared to participate actively in class on Tuesday.

Have a very nice day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Welcome to INGL3101 Blog

INGL 3103 Students:

Your first activity in this stage of working online is to register and folllow the blog.  Tomorrow I will be posting your assignment.

See you tomorrow!