Your final project will be handed-in the day of the final exam. Section 003 has the novel The Meaning of Consuelo and section 004 has the novel The Time It Snowed in Puerto Rico. Your project will include the following parts:
- Title page- include a title for your poetry book and the name of the character you chose for your project. (5 points)
- Inside title page- include your name, ID number, course & section, date and Final Project (5 points)
- Table of Contents- Here you present the sections and how to find each section i.e. page number, colors... (10 points)
- Dedication- Here you write a paragraph dedication your creative work to and why. (10 points)
- Essay introducing your project- Here you explain what character you choose and why. Explain also his/her importance in the novel. Use concrete examples from the novel. (30 points)
- Poems- You will include from 10-15 poems. You must have the Bio-Poem and a Haiku. The rest use different styles of poems. The important aspect is that these poems tell the story of the character. (25 points)
- Conclusion- You will write AT LEAST one paragraph stating what you liked or didn't like of the novel OR the project. (10)
- Visual Aids- (5 points)